Before I get into things, it would be remiss of me not to give a mention to now former Westmeath hurling bainisteoir, Joe Fortune. The Wexford man stepped aside after three years at the helm. While I did voice displeasure post-Kerry defeat a few weeks back at the notion of this being the level Westmeath were at, there were quite a number of positives from his time here. He gave huge commitment in travel alone, being, like myself, a teacher based in Dublin. He brought through some great talent.
And he gave us some great days and, perhaps, our most iconic victories. It will be interesting to see whether next in the hot-seat will be locally known or come from further afield. Whoever steps in will have things to address – the attitude (egos?) of a couple of current players, cementing their style, and so on. For now, the Joe show is over but with many a memory. Go raibh mile Joe – go néirí an bother leat.