Thursday, October 24, 2024

Keeping it in the Family: Begley Taxi Service has been carrying passengers home safely for 35 years

The taxi business has been operating in Mullingar for 35 years

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Assumpta Begley and her daughters carry on the family business she and her late husband Tommy set up back in 1986. Assumpta enjoys every minute of her work. She loves driving and is a rare gem of a woman who is happy to be on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year!

Assumpta tells us more about the background of this important family business in Mullingar.

1. When was the business established and were any previous generations involved ?
Begley’s taxi’s are now in their 35th year in business, having established in 1986. The late Tommy Begley was the first to set up this family business, along with his wife Assumpta, who still loves driving, after all these years.

2. Did the family live in Mullingar for many years / where did they come from?
The family are thorough Mullingarians; Asumpta is from the Green Road and her late husband Tommy was from Patrick Street.

3. Who are the family members working in the business now?
Assumpta and her daughters Brianan and Naomi take care of the core of the business and there are a few other family members who drive for the company for years.

4. What does the business do?
The Begley family are in the taxi business and are proud to state that their own fleet now consists of nine vehicles in total, seven vehicles which are wheel-chair accessible and two cars, mainly for use with elderly clients.

Tommy & Assumpta Begley & Girls – Taxi Fleet, a vehicle to suit all requirements.

5.  How has it changed over the years ?
Mainly the types of vehicles have changed through the years but Assumpta tells us they have always kept their fleet well maintained and up to date to ensure the customer has a safe and pleasant experience. They are proud to have seven of their vehicles that are able to cater to wheel-chair users. Assumpta goes on to say that she is fortunate and grateful to have contracts from the HSE and Bus Eireann that keep her going, especially in the last year, when like all businesses, income reduced drastically.

6. Plans for the future?
Assumpta explains that “we live one day at a time and have no real plans for the future this point in time.”

7. Any memorable moments through the years?
Assumpta laughs and tells us that one thing that always comes to mind is an ‘infamous’ tip they received on a Christmas Day from a notable character in town who shall remain nameless but apart from that, she says the drivers would probably have more stories !

8. In what way do you think your family business adds something special to Mullingar?
Assumpta believes that not only her family business but other family businesses in Mullingar are vital for it’s survival. Family businesses work hard and keep going no matter what the circumstances and always do their best to provide a personal service, unlike perhaps some of the bigger businesses.

9. Pros and Cons of working with family in a business?
It’s pros all the way as Assumpta enjoys working with family and enjoys the fact that they are always there, keeping check and nothing escapes them!

The Begley Girls – Back (L-R): Caroline, Bríanán and Assumpta Front (L-R): Naomi and Maria.

10. The Last Word … Assumpta would like to use this opportunity to say a sincere thanks to all their customers and clients who stuck with them throughout the years and especially in this last year. Without their loyal trade, it would have been difficult. She also would like to pay a particular tribute to her loyal staff and drivers who have all done their part to ensure the vehicles are kept safely on the road during these past difficult months.

Assumpta adds that she and the rest of the family and drivers remain on call (087 909 4494), 24/7 – 365, offering you safe and comfortable transport always.

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