Saturday, July 27, 2024

Medical neglect by HSE puts young lives at risk

Situation of parents of young Diabetes sufferer has almost reached breaking point

Outrageous! Disgra­ceful! Heartbreaking! Call it what you like, but you won’t be exaggerating if you’re describing the situation in which several hundred parents of children across Westmeath and a wider part of the midlands now find themselves, having young family members with Type 1 Diabetes.

It is totally outrageous that the best efforts of the overworked Consultant Paediatrician, Dr. Michael O’Grady – who had been delivering a first class service for Paediatric Diabetes in Mullingar over the past six years – has now been forced to cancel all clinical appointments because of the HSE’s failure to give him adequate support, with some outstanding vacancies left unfilled for two years. Only if these positions are urgently filled will this critical service, for more than 130 children, be resumed.

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