Saturday, July 27, 2024

Delvin parents prepare for special pilgrimage for their late son

By Larry Cooney

Almost five years since the heartbreak of losing their infant son, Noah, due to a condition known as hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Delvin-based couple Gordon Farrell and his Swedish-born partner Jessica Eriksson are making a special pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick in his memory in a few weeks’ time.
Their objective is to raise funds for the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation, an organisation who were so supportive to them during the darkest period of their lives, both before and after they finally parted company with Noah on 14 June in 2012. 
Since they announced their decision to ‘Climb Croagh Patrick for Noah’ earlier this year, up to one hundred and fifty other climbers will join their personal crusade on Saturday 6 May. Proceeds from their hike will go to their chosen charity in a kind gesture of thanks for the support they received from the organisation following three-week-old Noah’s death. 
The popular couple have lived in Delvin since 2004 and met just a few years previously while Ballivor man Gordon was working abroad. They also run a successful business based in Delvin, where they live with their other three sons, Theo, Emil and Ruben – their new addition!

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