Inclement Irish weather can be a huge spoilsport and early on Sunday morning last, with rain falling, it looked as if the Annual Mullingar Agricultural Show at Culleen was facing difficulties. However, the Show Committee, after all their preparatory work over the preceding weeks, pushed ahead, and the 2016 event, despite some rain, proved an outstanding success, and a great credit to all concerned.
Even though Sunday’s weather and wet underfoot field conditions made things more difficult for the organisers, the worst of the rain didn’t arrive until the events of the day were almost over, with the last few of the jumping competitors in action. Despite the showers, there was a most enjoyable atmosphere, and even if the attendance was down slightly, overall it was a very good day, and a credit to everyone concerned.
The Show Committee this year decided to ask country music star Robert Mizzell to open their annual show, and the Ballinagore-based singer did a very good job, getting things off to a bright and lively start, and proving a big hit was his fans.
Another major new attraction that proved a real hit was the first Midland regional final of the All Ireland Home Cook Competition, hosted by Chef Adrian and organised by the Irish Shows Association, in conjunction with the Associated Craft Butchers of Ireland. Mullingar was venue for one of five semi-final cook-offs, and co-ordinator John Martin said it was very successful, and the winner, Grainne Keena, from Belvedere, Mullingar, will now compete in the grand final at the Clogher
Valley Show in Co. Tyrone on 27 July.
“People enjoyed the buzz aspects like Robert Mizzell’s singing and the cook-off, and overall, the day went very well for us, all things considered,” the Chairman, Joe Henson told Topic. “We got quite a good crowd, and the entries were good, with huge entries in some sections, like the sheep classes. People come from all over the country to seek prizes here because Mullingar, right in the heart of Ireland, is very accessible , with people travelling on good roads right to the showgrounds,” he said. “When you have good prizes, it attracts people.”
“When the weather is good, aspects like vehicles driving in and car parking and so on are no bother, but it puts a lot of pressure on stewards and helpers when the rain shows up,” he said. “Things went off without any real problems, and I have to say a sincere thanks to all the committee, exhibitors, the stewards and the helpers, including in the run-up to the show, all working until late at night getting things ready. It’s not a very big committee, but they were excellent, and I also have to sincerely thank our sponsors, because without them, we could not run the Show,” he said, thanking especially their main sponsor, Westmeath County Council.
“Everyone did trojan work, and the Show is great for Mullingar,” he said, promoting it countrywide.“The Mullingar Show is improving year by year”, he said, “and has something for everyone and our showgrounds are also among the best.”
Hard-working Secretary, Eileen White was relieved that all went well for them, pointing out that the weather meant they had to exercise a lot of care and attention to detail, but it had worked out for them. There were great entries in the Sheep sections, over two hundred, and in the Horse and Pony sections, and good Cattle entries. The other sections, and the various sideshows plus the stands and entertainment, and fashion competitions all added to it. “All in all, it worked out for us, even with the rain, so we’re grateful for that, and thankful to all who helped,” she said.
(Photo coverage of Mullingar Show on page 14 this week).