Entrepreneurs in the Midlands and mid-east region with an innovative business idea can now apply for New Frontiers 2016 commencing in July (Phase 1) and September (Phase 2). Athlone Institute of Technology, in partnership with Maynooth University, will deliver the programme in the Midlands mid-east region.
A series of pre-programme Phase 1 workshops to help prospective entrepreneurs to develop their business proposition will be held in the Midlands Innovation and Research Centre at AIT and MaynoothWorks at Maynooth University in July and August.
New Frontiers is an Enterprise Ireland-funded programme that provides entrepreneurs with the skills, networks, facilities and supports necessary to navigate the business start-up process. Participants on Phase 2 receive up to six-month €15,000 salary support from Enterprise Ireland.
Applicants for the programme should have an innovative business idea with growth and export potential.
According to David Doran, CEO of Acres Machinery, a 2015 programme participant, “As a start-up company, the mentoring, training, facilities and networking provided by New Frontiers were invaluable towards validating, developing and growing our business.” Acres has developed innovative agricultural machinery products including the X3 bale handler and the SuperCrop grass conditioner. At last year’s Ploughing Championship, Acres won the Enterprise Ireland Innovation Arena Award for Best Agri-Engineering Start-Up.
According to Nick Allen, New Frontiers Programme Manager, “If you are an ambitious and committed entrepreneur with an innovative business idea, New Frontiers will provide you with the skills and supports necessary to transform your idea into a successful business.”
For more information, please contact Nick Allen at 090-6483043 or see www.ait.ie/newfrontiers.