Saturday, July 27, 2024

Plans lodged for major housing development in Mullingar

Plans have been lodged by Andrews Construction Ltd. with Westmeath Co. Co. for the construction of of 245 residential units and supporting infrastructure at Dublin Road, Petitswood, Mullngar on a site of circa 9.76 hectares.

The proposed development will comprise the construction of 245 residential units, comprising 70 no. 4-bedroom semi-detached houses, 132 no. 3-bedroom houses, 8 no. 2- bedroom duplex units in 4 no. three-storey corner units; 1 no. four-storey apartment block com- prising, 14 no. 1-bedroom units; 15 no. 2-bedroom apartment units; and 6 no. 3-bedroom apartment units.

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