by Ronan Casey
Mullaghmeen Forest on the outskirts of Castlepollard is one of the most popular outdoor activity spots in the midlands, with thousands of walkers, runners and cyclists using the pathways and trackways of the largest planted beech forest in Europe.
However, in a sinister development, deadly traps have been set in the woods which have the potential to seriously injure, maim or even kill the men, women, children and animals that enjoy the woods on a daily basis.
A large amount of sickening traps, including partially-buried planks of wood with long protruding nails, lengths of barbed wire strung across paths and chunks of exposed broken glass, have been set in recent weeks.
One of the first people to come across them was local cyclist Mike Ginnell. Last month he found a plank with exposed nails, but thought nothing of it until another one buried in the middle of a cycle trail blew out his tyres. “These were not designed to be seen, they were designed to stop anything going. I’ve been cycling there for over ten years and never saw anything like this. If you fell on it, or stepped on it, it would go through your foot and would seriously injure you.”
He also found broken glass and barbed wire set into trails, and covered with leaves and twigs, all designed to injure. Mike says there is a harmonious understanding between cyclists, walkers, runners and horse riders in the woods, with some parts just used by cyclists, others by runners etc. But some of the traps were in areas where they all would use the same paths.
Another local cyclist, Alfie Devine, suffered four punctures in one hit from a nail trap in the past fortnight and he has also come across barbed wire, planks and logs, all recently laid and designed to injure.
He says from speaking to other cyclists, walkers and runners “the problem is getting worse” and he is fearful of serious injury.
“There are families up there every day of the week. People walk their children, they let their kids play – my own son would often cycle ahead of me – but what could happen if a child fell on one of these doesn’t bear thinking about,” he told Topic. “Mullaghmeen has massive potential for outdoor activities and could be a huge place for trails, bringing in tourists from all over. It’s hard to believe what people are capable of doing. Someone could be killed there.”
The Sheelin Flyers group described the traps as “pure evil.”
St Brigid’s Athletics Club use the facility twice weekly and some of their 60 adult members and 35 juvenile members have come across traps. “It’s barbaric stuff,” said club spokesperson, Martin Murphy from ‘Pollard. “They could maim or injure any of our members. That someone would go to the bother of digging these traps in is just crazy. It’s like something from a horror movie. Are they trying to drive people away from the place? If you are running at speed and slip or fall on these you could puncture your chest.”
Topic understands that wire was recently found strung high across a track, designed to catch a cyclist in the neck.
Traps have been brought to the attention of Gardaí and local community leaders.
Local Councillor Una D’Arcy (SF) said it is hard to know who is planting the traps or what the motive is, “but the bottom line is, it’s malicious and sinister and whoever’s doing it is depraved and sick.” She said it was an awful example that something of “real value to a rural community could be desecrated by sick individuals trying to harm innocent people.”
She and other community activits have been pushing for parts of the forest to be developed as trails akin to Rostrevor at Carlingford Lough and Ballyhoura in Limerick, bringing big money into the local economy, but these disgusting traps could jeopardise future development. Coillte, who own the forest, could not be contacted as we went to press.