Saturday, July 27, 2024

Westmeath hot on septic tank repairs but cold on inspections

Westmeath County Council had a high rate for repairing failing septic tanks but didn’t carry out its allocation of inspections in 2023 according to a new report by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The Council performed well in repairing failing domestic waste water treatment (DWWT) systems with 38 or 82% of failing tanks fixed by the local authority. However, the Council was one of five local authorities in Ireland who failed to carry out the requisite number of inspections. Westmeath County Council was required to complete seven inspections but only carried out two. Wexford, Limerick, Galway County and Leitrim also failed to carry out the required number of inspections. The Council commented on the failure to perform the requisite inspections.

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