Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Make 3,000 years old road a visitor attraction”

Noted Irish archaeologist Aidan Walsh, now living in Castlepollard, who first became aware just four years ago of the ongoing destruction of what was undoubtedly Westmeath’s and the Midlands’ most valuable and unique roadway – the 3,000 years old Bronze Age road across the bogland at Mayne, Coole, is delighted that what remains of the ancient oak road is now to be preserved.

The archaeologist was dismayed and annoyed in 2014, soon after coming to the area, when he first learned that eight years of highlighting the importance of, and the need to preserve the extraordinary section of ancient road, stretching almost 700 metres from the higher ground at Mayne over the bog to the River Inny, had been to no avail.

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